This is the real game. If the board and the executive believed in this company they would be buying stock and selling them at a profit, not giving themselves this kind of money. If RC is given 300Mil then what are the board getting? Why? What are the Institutional investors wanting from them? This is the type of bonus you give people who are going to retire as it makes up for the 450Mil he would get from Qualcomm or else they believe the company will get broken up or fail and they are taking the cash while they still can. Bonuses of this level do not occur due to performance, something else is going on that we are yet to see. The one constant so far is that it is always bad for the employees and great for the investors, management and board. I would like to know if a company of this size has ever given a CEO a bonus that big. Lots of smoke and mirrors happening.
Originally posted by @YRK6YrK-ptah.