Thread regarding Providence Health & Services layoffs

Providence lays off 700

Providence Health System (Renton, WA) lays off 700 in accounting, accounts payable, human resources, procurement, payroll, and IT.

| 4223 views | | 4 replies (last October 19, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+ZkpQejw

4 replies (most recent on top)

That was in 2019. Providence just laid off about 100 coders in August 2021 in the middle of a pandemic. Yup! India and Philippines are the lucky overseas countries who profit from the lay offs here in our Great Nation.

Post ID: @e4nwx+ZkpQejw

Yes. All these jobs are being outsourced. A loss of a huge amount of talent.

Post ID: @1ymf+ZkpQejw

Nervous about taking family to any Providence related facility. If they are this desperate for money so soon after acquiring St. Joseph Health, where else are they willing to cut corners? The rooms don't have to be THAT clean do they? Eh, this patient can probably get by a couple more days with that same catheter. You dont really mind working an 18 hour shift in the ER instead of 12.....and you did clock out for lunch, right (wink, wink).

Post ID: @1soj+ZkpQejw

Confirmed. This happened May 29-30. Jobs are being shipped overseas. Congratulations India and Phillipines.

Post ID: @sup+ZkpQejw

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