Thread regarding Swift Energy Co. layoffs

Swift sucks

Downsizing or not, Swift Energy is not a good place to work at. Backstabbing and nepotism rule

| 2675 views | | 3 replies (last March 12, 2016)
Post ID: @OP+ukg1440

3 replies (most recent on top)

As An employee of this company for 18 years I didn't even get the free

Meal the poor contract people got before they got the boot.... I understand the economy but the way I was uninformed and treated after all the years my family and I dedicated or lives to the swift family and their lavish lives makes me sick. I AGREEE Rest in peace EARL

Post ID: @c3prx+ukg1440

This is true swift energy sucks to work for they have a little short Mexican name Marty cantu for a construction foreman he's a real asshole

Post ID: @5NWAY+ukg1440

2015 layoffs are coming - we had another bad day today, the stock is falling down, we'll see layoffs in 2015

Post ID: @50vIf+ukg1440

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