Thread regarding Avon Products Inc. layoffs

Avon Products - New Layoffs Announced Today

Avon Products will have yet another round of cuts - I think we announced that 600 will be let go, I expect this number to be a bit lower though. We are mostly impacted with sales going down, our products and our pipeline of products need improvement. This used to be a great company that was leading the market, that's not the case any more. Many execs are just milking it and hoping that they extract as much money from Avon as possible. All the lawsuits did not help at all, that's also causing things to shrink. Anyhow, there is nothing cutting edge about Avon any more, many people are afraid what tomorrow brings and many are wandering who's head will be on the chopping block next.

| 2321 views | | 4 replies (last June 26, 2014)
Post ID: @OP+wgyDQmC

4 replies (most recent on top)

Anonymous14255. you too need a proof reader :)

Post ID: @2Dl2+wgyDQmC

One thing's for sure from your this last posting, you could use another proofreader.

Post ID: @jZw+wgyDQmC

I say we layoff the rabbits in the products testing lab first!

Post ID: @CZ1+wgyDQmC

It's pretty depressing right now, North America sales fell 22 percent in the quarter, we cannot sustain this level of payroll

Post ID: @rNp+wgyDQmC

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