I heard Rob is totally retired. I was several levels below him and although funny, he didn't know the business at all and was reluctant to engage in conversations with customers because of it so he simply stayed in the home office and bounced a tennis ball off the wall behind his desk for hours. That's a true story. But he was smart enough to hire the Chairman's son in law for a top position so he wasn't totally stupid. He also hired his former college room mate who was so unqualified that when he was let go under AraMart, he was unable to find a position for over 3 years. the best story is he had lunch with a customer in the home office dining room and through out the lunch he kept talking about schools because he thought the customer was a school customer but instead he was a healthcare customer. It was John Pace who finally told Rob that this person works in a hospital.
10 replies (most recent on top)
I also remember RK.One of the Wheaton Boys who sucked up to CWP. He couldn't manage a bake sale but kept getting promoted after the Memphis group got rid of him and eventually ran the mangt. services division into the ground. Was intimidated by everyone who knew the business so he goes out and hires his old college room mate and the Chairman's son-in-law. Both struggled so bad that everyone laughed behind their back. The 3 of them used to take the stage at annual events and tried to pull off a comedy act.
I also remember RK--had a habit of rolling up his shirt cuff and he told someone that it reminded himself that while being short he could still have tall ideas. Sounds strange doesn't it.
Loser with a capital L
The ultimate loser.
The ultimate loser.
I would not use personal names as the admins tend to delete complete threads when profanity and personal info is shared. Just saying.
What a nut job as I remember .
i too remember Rob Keith. Had a background in finance and worked in Memphis for awhile. Came to home office and failed so badly that the 3 companies under him had to be sold to ARA to prevent major drain on consumer companies.
the Rob must be Rob Keith since the description matches his behavior and he was most definately over his head in a leadership position. I remember him bounce a ball off his wall while talking with a customer on the phone and making faces to the caller like a child.
Who's Rob?