Thread regarding Energy Transfer Partners L.P. layoffs

2015 Layoffs due to Price Drops

Do you think that we are going to have layoffs in 2015 since the prices keep going down?

| 2217 views | | 2 replies (last March 23, 2015)
Post ID: @OP+zj1c9wh

2 replies (most recent on top)

Oh yes....Why?

Even fee-based companies can only hide so long from spot price exposure risk (downstream and upstream).

Ever growing fixed and variable expenses coupled with a management structure that resembles an inverted triangle (top heavy management and minimal field employees).

Unless you are (1) totally OK with being micromanaged and tracked OR (2) you are in the FOK (friend of Kelsey) category....your career will go nowhere.

Post ID: @1l6vS+zj1c9wh

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