Thread regarding Tesco Corp. layoffs

Oil and gas downturn - TESCO Layoffs 2015

We'll see what happens but with prices down and all major companies in the sector (BP, Exxon, Shell) cutting people there is nothing Tesco can do to avoid layoffs. So be ready, 2015 will be a really big year for us and we'll see some major cuts. The prices will recover in the second half of 2015, that's my prediction but it'll be too late to stop pink slips from being delivered. You can already see some of the wells are shut down and new exploration has slowed, so we need to be ready.

| 3021 views | | 4 replies (last December 22, 2015)
Post ID: @OP+zv92TxP

4 replies (most recent on top)

and finally at the end of 2015...?

Post ID: @5zrrq+zv92TxP

Maybe 6 months, maybe 18 months. Even when it starts to turn, the business/supplier side will still take a while to recover. The services business will do well. But the capital equipment side wont. The market is saturated with equipment.


Post ID: @2xhcy+zv92TxP

correction - maybe 18 months for improvement. not recovery.

Post ID: @1p0QO+zv92TxP

Correction, maybe Q3 for price recovery

Post ID: @zRF+zv92TxP

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