Topics regarding layoffs at Textron

Topics regarding layoffs at Textron

Trouble at FedEx

So now FedEx is all over the news talking about downsizing and recession...and we are supposed to believe they are going to buy more of our aircraft. Lots of investment money we are about to lose.

| 1356 views | | 2 replies (last September 17, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1iK2PZAC

New VSL's

As much as people are complaining about all the new workers not knowing what they are doing no one is saying or doing anything about these new vsl's and all the cr-p they are doing. It is just as obvious they have no clue either.

| 1290 views | | 1 reply (August 31, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1iuxSJQI

PC&L Outsource

Story here at the East Campus is that the PC&L department is going to be outsourced to Express by July 2023. Anyone on the West Campus hearing such stories?

| 1546 views | | 5 replies (last August 26, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1iig5MJv

Impacts of recession

There is more and more talk about a significant decline in economic activity. I am a bit worried about how the recession will have an impact on the company? What are your thoughts on this?

July and August furloughs

July and August will have rolling furlough...and the new language in contract will only affect departments not company wide based on job classification. Get ready cause it's about to get fun. Is there anybody who can confirm if this is true? I'm... — read more 

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