Topics regarding layoffs at Trident University International

Topics regarding layoffs at Trident University International

Feeling the squeeze yet?

"Trident was sold and merged shortly after this became public and General Looney and Lieutenant General Metz along with fellow board member Command Sergeant Major (Ret.) William J. ("Joe") Gainey were replaced with AIU Board... — read more 

| 960 views | | 1 reply (May 22, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+154tu4dw

Compassionate Commitment?

Trident makes this claim. How true is this? "Trident University International is committed to your success, and offers you comprehensive support services to help guide every step of your online learning journey."

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Post ID: @OP+TVijksJ

Trident University Military Friendly*?

Trident University marketers are calling the school "military friendly" when they know that they do not have that designation from GI Jobs, the owner of the Military Friendly Schools trademarks. That's not clever, that's misleading.

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Post ID: @OP+TPsgCkc

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