Topics regarding layoffs at Youngstown State University

Topics regarding layoffs at Youngstown State University

"The future of YSU with enrollment decline"

"Youngstown State University released its fall 2023 Preliminary Enrollment Summaries, showing a 4.8% decrease in full-time undergraduate students and a 16.2% increase in full-time graduate students since fall 2022."

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Post ID: @OP+1p4OaxOy

Youngstown State Presidential Hiring Process Roils Donors

"Johnson—a local Republican who questioned the outcome of the 2020 presidential election—was hired last month through a process that bypassed campus visits and other standard features of past searches. Campus and community critics have criticized the... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1pRvGwIG

Randy Dunn is a great leader

Please do not spread false information here - there are no layoffs at Youngstown

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Post ID: @OP+ul6LYxj

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