Thread regarding EnLink Midstream layoffs

Losing valuable people

We have lost some very valuable people this week & will lose more tomorrow. It goes to show that loyalty & knowledge isn't valued if the person above you is a backstabber that hates you because they feel threatened by you. Some of the people they're keeping are just as bad. If you aren't losing your job tomorrow, know that there are only a handful that you can trust. If you did lose your job, it's probably because you're new or made someone mad. Bets on shutting down plants tomorrow? Or will it be next month?

| 2681 views | | no replies yet (last November 21, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+128W8eU6

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You know at least one plant will be closed and possibly two for certain. Just have to see how mismanaged this can get before more close down. This is truly troubling times for the Enlink employees in Oklahoma.

Post ID: @olx+128W8eU6

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