Probably tomorrow. Feels like we are due for the other shoe
Any Product affected?
Any word on product being affected this year. We got hit pretty hard and were downsized last year
Layoffs announcement upcoming this Fall
FYI. $200 million isn’t going to saved from nowhere. Likely an announcement by fall and cuts in late 2024 or early/mid 2025
Can we all admit this man Sol must go. Tone deaf, hiring skills are questionable - see NY and LI Market Leader hires- and the growth and revenue numbers don’t lie.
Mack hill Product for Amazon filled with problems with a dead line of September 30
Rumor has it that a product called Mack hill for Amazon is failing because of wafer delamination from the New Mexico fab and die cracking. Heard from a friend that works in the Chandler Az site. Intel keeps shutting itself in the foot.
Wrongful termination by Chevron and now with Hess
Short story: Chevron fired me in 2018 for what I believe were unjust political reasons. During independent arbitration, my lawyers managed to secure three years' worth of pay from Chevron, a substantial seven-figure settlement, and funding for my... — read more
50 employees laid off in Canada today
Silient one
LR info already uploaded in workday ??
Pls share details if anyone knows
Recent Reorg layoffs
Any insights on why and how the decisions were made? Seemed like no one can be immune even when the department/team/product is understaffed and a revenue driver , which makes it even more surprising and scary
Looks like every metro area in La, not to forget about our neighbors in surrounding states is a target with flooding and wind. Att will be inundated with troubles. Those that the company chooses to send in will be working in very inhospitable... — read more
Duncan Manufacturing Layoffs
Layoffs at DMC today. 5 in pumps 2 in welding 2 in material handling
Sun Hardware is a ca$h cow
Truly Oracle shareholders haven't had it so good with $38.6b of pure profit being added to ORCL's bottom line. That profit helps pay for your RSUs and severance.
Anyone know about layoffs in these orgs
If you hate the Healthcare prices we are paying, thank a Democrat!
Sure wonder why no one with the union wants to address the real reason why healthcare prices are horrible now?! It’s thanks to a democratic backed Obamacare! Before that we all had excellent healthcare packages! Now we are all suffering the cost!... — read more
What is everyone hearing this week?
Did anyone’s manager give any hints? Can anyone confirm there was an LR training already?
How bad will it be-- really?
bp US. Several weeks ago, we were informed of pending cuts to our business unit "in order to stay competitive". We're running lean as it is off the heels of reinvent and then off the heels of a recent restructure, so to think we can get downsized... — read more
Terrifying communication
Work at home for the next few days. We're bringing the office network upto compliance with the company network.
The oriental leader?
So who is the new oriental fella that hangs around the spring office these days? He seems to be tight with Way - off to lunch together a lot. See him wearing an MIT shirt on Fridays. Is he a consultant working on data for the impending layoffs??
Hold on to your Butts!
That time of the season!
Oh, Omar you are so Vague
Are you going to lay us off or what? Combining Medicare & Medicaid and moving to Carelon?? Genius idea- let's lose both contracts. I'll just go watch my Elevating Respect in the Workplace learning
Stop Completing ALL Employee Engagment!
Stop filing out all surveys, including TTUS. Stop attending all non-mandatory/department meetings like Fireside chats and other employee engagement events for the sake of participation. The feedback you provide doesn’t matter, simply the number of... — read more
T Stock 21.5
Thanks John!!
Anyone get meeting invite to review deliverables?
I got a meeting invite at the end of the week with my manager and their boss to review my deliverables, wondering if this is their way to see what I am working on so they know what needs to be done if I am LR. Never had a meeting with my mgr and... — read more
T-Mobile Leadership
Sounds very weird and nasty to even say it in this age and time...but that's how it goes with playing favorites in middle management based on Tamil/Telugu and forced attrition from there on. Opportunities and Stats presented skewed to fit their... — read more
Toxicity level all time high
Leave immediately if you can
Report your rude manager
First step to change the toxic environment is to report your rude manager to HR.
Layoffs next month
They are targeting employees who have been here 10 years and above. Annoucement will follow.
Layoffs again?
I hear from my boss another round is coming.
when does TD get any update
no update on ISP number yet. any insight?
Do not work here! Management is garbagetrashits! Especially engineering directors and managers! Incompetent!
Truth or Dare?
To everyone trolling and being toxic on this website....I bet you won't post your name, lol FACTS!!!! Yours Truly The Internet Police :)
Why can’t DXC win any new business?!?
@3idu+1unuAs5F from the GBS cuts thread DXC constantly claim they are cheaper than their competitors, but that doesn’t explain why they can never win any business. Their net promoter score is decent. I’ve seen some of their pre sales stuff and... — read more
Striking CWA members delinquent in Court ordered Child Support payments
None of you "strike" me (see what I did there?) as responsible adults. I would expect many from the southeast US to be on the hook for garnished wages for child support. Does the CWA cover that for you so you don't have to keep looking over your... — read more
New Breakaway Technology. But its not Intel
New AI Chip Beats Nvidia, AMD and Intel by a Mile with 20x Faster Speeds and Over 4 Trillion... — read more
Huntington wants to open 55 branches in Carolinas over 5 years
Investing for the long term. Bill and our BOD think this is a foreign concept. Dive Brief: Huntington Bank is expanding in North and South Carolina, targeting 55 branch openings in those states over the next five years, the Columbus, Ohio-based... — read more
UK Redundancy Package
Does anyone know what the UK redundancy package is for Wells,Dev&SS? Trying to work out if it's worth staying for it.
The C-Suite either doesn't care or is completely out of touch with the employees
That Town Hall was a complete waste of time. Details are not shared with us, layoffs are passed over (and the only reason the EBITDA numbers aren't awful), and once again, recruiters are called out publicly. The first pillar in the blueprint is... — read more
So how long do we think it’ll take before they outsource and get rid of all of credentialing? That’s what it sounded like to me in that meeting
Nerd of Kyiev just flew over my apartment!
When I stopped looking at them, I noticed my M3 Mac has been turned on, and some new apps installed, namely "Code42" and "Box". Does this mean that I will be fired?
Dell's Stock slight tick up
Dell's stock has started to trend up in the last week. If it continues to trend up is the head count of 100k or below still expected?
New Layoffs?
Hey, I heard that the company is doing their yearly layoffs again this year (same time as this last year, February/March), except this time they are going to give 2 months notice instead of one. So probably right after Christmas. Anyone else heard... — read more
Round 2 - when?
Does anyone have anymore info on round 2 layoffs? I had heard we are done with this batch, but GP2025 continues on. When are the next round?
USB Storage Devices - Blocked beginning 9/16
This is being done in services to protect against malware and data leaks.
Is next week safe? Has anyone heard anything?
Just found out that Humana laid off its MA salesforce and moving to a broker only model
It’s only a matter of time before every insurance company does this. It’s cheaper no salary, benefits or expenses to pay. Even a revenue generating position isn’t safe in this company anymore. They will find a way to eliminate everyone if they can — read more
RTO 2.0
Will this be a thing? Ture or not?
Mid Term Evals
What does getting an inconsistent , but overall met mean? Did everyone get rated inconsistent in orgs not meeting targets?
Explain like I'm five - Why are T and CWA apart?
What does CWA want? What does Stankey want? What are neither of them budging on?
RTO mandate update coming mid-January
Sources have informed me that we will be forcing an update to RTO mid January. Details are sparse but I will update this if I get more details. Has anyone else heard of a new RTO off policy update expected to roll out? Dell we continue to tweaks to... — read more
L2 letters have been sent out. I met with my manager today—feels like the calm before the storm. Just to clarify, I'm not moving to Dallas.
Forcing People Out
I know Fidelity is trying to force people to quit so they don't have to pay severance but don't they realize some of the ramifications of this. For one they are going be losing the best performers rather that weeding out the lower performers. They... — read more
This place
Is literally su-king the life out of me. I dont know whats worse. Having to deal with my team, business partners or manager who all know nothing. And none of them listen to anything either which makes logging on dreadful cause its same sh-t everyday — read more
I'm curious, has any salaried employees been asked to take a pay cut over the last 2 years. Operations has been asked to ignore outages, stop requesting GC work, stop ordering parts, reduce the number of people on call, change the way we drive... — read more
The grass is greener
How many that used to say that Cisco was just like all other employers and now finally realize that it isn't? Sure, there are other bad ones out there, but I have never worked for a company as terrible as Cisco. It su-ks that the job market is... — read more
Make medical, dental and vision appointments now
Get a physical, get your teeth cleaned and get your eyes checked while you still have health insurance. Cobra is so expensive and you may not be able to afford if you are LR’d and it may take a while to get a new job. We don’t know who’s on the... — read more
Confirmed - HR and Directors watching this Forum, and commenting…
Primarily to see employees sentiments and reactions (they are in management, for a reason) and often adding comments to justify Cisco LRs with their own reasoning, but mostly down voting relevant employee’s comments on current state of affairs and... — read more
🚨 SERIOUS TECH JOB ALERT: Only YOU Can Stop Tech Layoffs! 🚨
Join Our Mission to Put Over 1 Million People Back to Work with Our Remote Job Listing & Building System. Take Charge of Your Career and Future—Act Now! @ Please make sure that you send your resume I have hot placement professionals ready to place... — read more
Hearing that two people from marketing were let go today, unsure who
We actually invested our foundry Similar to TSMC and Samsung, Intel spent 25B per year (TSMC 33B, SS 36B) since 2022. We also secured 20B Fed grant/loans with additional 25B worth tax reduce. Just wondering... — read more
2 week Notice
A co-worker said that cap1 will let u go immediately upon submitting a 2 week notice. Is this true?
RTO 2.0
Part of DELL cuts is "RTO 2.0" which is designed to make people quit without having to pay them. leaders meet in cork tomorrow to hear the new policy - basically if you are close to an office go hybrid or get a new job After 2.0 you can expect 2.1... — read more
It’s Time For All To Come Together
We all need to put aside our differences and realize who the enemy is. All of us are working because we have to for various reasons. The 1% is hurting all of us and pushing us further apart. The more we work together the more they seek to divide us... — read more
Y'all Good Fam?
Title says it all. Cuts are coming and you know that. DELL EMC ships more than HPE now.
RTO Presence
From the How and where we work FAQ. Why the f*** are we traveling to these other offices ??? • If you swipe your AT&T badge, connect to AT&T’s LAN, or AT&T company Wi-Fi (ATTCORP) at any AT&T office location, your presence will be reflected in the... — read more
Any rumors beside DPS/DPA?
Mid-Sept has been rumored for a while now. Hearing anything beside DPS/DPA to be affected?
"Skills to help you adapt to change"
Who is on this call right now and holy ;'!!_!!! What is the point of this?? Good thing I'm not important enough to share my 1-hour bio with ya'll.
Swissport laying off more than 200 employees at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport
Swissport is eliminating over 200 jobs at Cleveland Hopkins Airport. In a letter to the State of Ohio, Swissport said it lost its ground handling services contract with Frontier, Air Canada, and Spirit Airlines which will result in nearly all of... — read more
Tracy Kerrins - AI Guru?
I am not familiar with this woman, but I saw that she is leading Consumer Tech and Gen AI. As an aspiring data scientist, I get asked a lot of algo questions, do special projects and present results during interviews. Even my code being reviewed... — read more
What’s your experience with RTO?
Mine was so bad, and turned out to be too costly (commute, daily expenses), that I decided to quit. Didn’t want to wait it out till layoffs or anything. Just left. I have built up a skillset with some highly sought after specializations which are... — read more