VPs, DIRs, Managers....is it happening?
Is anyone in IT feeling safe?
It seems like the mass layoffs of IT workers are over since DKs departure. It seems like the current CDIO might get it and actually have a plan to make this company Better for IT Workers. Am I stupid/naive for thinking that?
When can we expect the next large round of layoffs?
I know we've been having sporadic layoffs here and there, but I'm interested if there's something more substantial coming our way. In all honesty, I'd rather have one major round of layoffs than constant surgical cuts that keep me stressing every... — read more
COBRA, yes or no, when?
Hi there! Is someone aware of the decision-making deadline for COBRA and the expiry date of our benefits?
BP is all about politics
If you don’t think BP is all about politics you better wake up. Did you realize 3-4 years ago when Carefirst had their volunteer day downtown Baltimore, that Wesmoore was one of the guest speakers. It was all about him putting his name out there to... — read more
Back to the office
BDP you have missed the boat. Our competitors aren’t bringing people back to the office. Get ready for your talent to depart.
When did you start seriously looking for new options?
I barely do even the bare minimum. It's not something to be proud of, of course, but I simply don't have the energy to work as hard as I used to because the attitude towards the employees here is getting worse all the time. It took me a long time... — read more
Passive Aggressive Performance Review Season
It’s that time again where many of us sit down to review our year only to be hit by surprise with “negative” feedback that came through to us by the way of telephone; or someone is rift about something and has a vendetta. He said, she said and... — read more
When CEOs Sc--w Up, Employees Pay the Price
A pertinent quote from an article in Business Insider “ If CEOs are expected — and paid — to be some visionary demigod at the top of an organization, they should be expected to bear that weight and pay a commiserate price when they mess up. At some... — read more
Stopping the Pension
Wow. Heartless. The 401k plan is not going to make up for the difference. Thanks Careless!
This company has become a joke.
They take, take and take from their employees. They don’t care!
How is the company really doing?
Was anyone else confused by the positive tone from the CEO call on Friday? I feel like the last few months, all I have been hearing is 1) how bad things are financially, 2) how bad we are doing in government programs, and 3) how we aren't on target... — read more
Most ridiculous waste of organizational money
So latest reorg put another level of management between worker bees and the VP. VP, Director (with less than 4 direct reports), and Manager before you get to the workers. So if the VP only has a few direct reports of Directors then why in the world... — read more
Please make it end
They think we’re stupid and naïve to see through the BS of what they’re trying to do. All of the verbal warning threats and write up threats need to end. If you are going to lay us off just do it. I’m sure you’re trying to fire many of us so that we... — read more
CEO meetings
Can we please stop with the fluffy ‘CEO’ meetings? I don’t need to listen to associate wellness. Please…BP…get on the call and tell me how the company is doing and what we can do to right the ship. Tired of the nonsense taking up my valuable time. — read more
Many bosses, not enough workers
At this point, I'm worried about how my team will even function if someone else leaves... In that case, I too would leave, because it's become unbearable to do this much work and be under this much pressure. On the other hand, there are too many... — read more
Spinoff management company?
I don't know about you but this seems a bit suspicious
$30 Gift Card
Keep the $30 gift card and give me my annual bonus instead. What the heck can you do with $30 given inflation and the cost of living. Do the math. Assume 260 working days in 2022. That's a whopping $0.12 bonus for each day you worked. What a... — read more
Teeing up layoffs?
Listening to the meeting. Does it sound like he is teeing up layoffs?
Downward spiral
I don't think I exaggerate much if I say that this company is in a downward spiral and that there is almost no hope that things will improve here. Do you remember what CF used to be like? I enjoyed working here. Now I'm ashamed to say that I still... — read more
Losing knowledge and experience on account of 'saving a buck'
It's been almost a year since IT outsourced the Data Center staff and Tech Support....2 years since the outsourcing of the Helpdesk. What a fiasco since....all that knowledge and quality service out the door with them....just to save a buck. You... — read more
Update your resumes!!
BDP and SC is looking to cut positions across all areas to save money. Managers and Supervisors are being asked to rate all of their staff on their production and attitudes. They have created a fast track to fire people in six weeks or less. If... — read more
There are so many contractors! How dare CF ask for investing in the community!
IMO CF is selling out America and our community. The constant request to invest our time in local communities is an insult. BP is not even investing in America! Offshore / Cognizant, Infosys, TEK run IT. Expensive out of area contractors are... — read more
Coming up on a year at my new job
Decided to check in here and see how things are going and I gotta say, I love the fact that someone from HR/Upper Management keeps commenting on this page. It's wild to me that they haven't wrapped their heads around the concept that the labor... — read more
CareFirst customer service is ABYSMAL
My family member is a medical professional (can't say what their title is) who has been on hold with CareFirst for 1 hour and 25 minutes and were just disconnected. When they called they were "caller number 1 in line". At the 32 minute mark... — read more
Hopkins Terminating Contract
Time for a new CEO. Groups will start leaving next without Hopkins in the network.
Quiet quitting
Have you thought about quiet quitting?
Time to Unionize?
At what point do we stop letting executive ‘leadership’ push us around? They have taken away benefits that effect tenured employees, first the PTO cap and now the pension freeze. They have favored young employees with new and expanded benefit... — read more
Back to the office?
BDP back peddling. What happened to WFH? If we have to go back, why did I have to give up my cube. Another reason top talent will exit Carefirst.
Workload unmanageable
Anyone else feel like there has been a sharp decline in the last 3-6 months? Must be the staffing shortages compounding. I can’t get an email back from most areas of the company without 2-3 reminders or a call. Many things are just completely... — read more
I would happily accept a VBO
I would rather leave with a decent package after 15 years here than stay in a company that is completely different than the one I joined. That would actually be ideal for me. I haven't left yet because I'm wary of starting anew somewhere else, but... — read more
Wake up Board of Directors
Does this narcissistic sociopath of a CEO own you too? If you want to know what our members think about CareFirst, take a gander at the company FB page. Just complaint after complaint after complaint. It's downright embarrassing. You are failing... — read more
Brian and his bagel
We have a leader in Brian who is so disconnected from the day-to-day staff that his own folks within the finance team are telling us we need to cut expenses due to losses this year but he is so disconnected that he not only hires but also emails the... — read more
Do you feel valued now?
"committing an additional $20 million over the next 10 years in employees' retirement benefits" $20,000,000 spread across 10 years $2 million a year. $2 million a year spread across 6000 employee $333. But that's supposed to be equal to the... — read more
Leadership Shake Up PMO
It was a leadership shake up that consisted of a demotion (per say) and a promotion. JA has been demoted to tool jockey. He lost all of the PM’s. This couldn’t happen to a better person for he truly was a sorry Director @ best. GOOD LUCK JA. Turn... — read more
One Company, One Team, but different application of policy
I really hope senior leadership reads and addresses this - it is a real problem impacting the talent retention the company stresses they want to improve. A lot of people have resigned due to geographic restrictions on remote work. This “policy”... — read more
Another Joke Call...Wait I mean CEO call
Need I say more? Blah Blah, CareFirst is striving to do XYZ. CareFirst is doing this and that. Filler generic talk that isn't direct or applies to any of us in our day-to-day work. While workers are miserable and struggling, and that never gets... — read more
Rate the leadership from 0 (bad) to 10 (excellent)
What grade would you have them?
Question of trust
The success of any company is primarily based on trust. It is very difficult to work where there is no more trust. In our company, the employees don't trust the leadership and the leadership doesn't trust us. Something must be done about it.
Will CareFirst follow suit?
Prudential, the largest U.S. insurer, has ended their Cvd-19 vax requirement. It's not like they have data on how effective it is and has been (hint: it hasn't... — read more