Topics regarding layoffs at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan

Topics regarding layoffs at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan

Buyouts once again

Workers for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan are considering whether to accept employee buyouts as the health plan looks to shed $600 million in administrative costs over several... — read more 

Voluntary separation offers

Frankly, I'm glad BCBS of Michigan opted for voluntary separation offers rather than outright layoffs. I know a few people who will be happy to accept. Hopefully, if there is enough takers out of the 8500, the rest of us who actually want to stay... — read more 

| 2031 views | | 2 replies (last November 4, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+176mrLwe

Company s---s for coverage

They DO NOT cover modern medicine. Skip this company if you have plans on getting coverage from them.

| 701 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+12hDm9sd

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