Comments??? So many unknowns…
39 replies (most recent on top)
I was told by my boss at corporate that there will be another wave of layoffs in mid September.
Had a location wide conference call with the Regional VP and we were all told Cintas is financially whole and that we are essential workers and that our jobs were safe. The next Friday almost 70 of us laid off/terminated. Cintas is all about numbers no matter how well you performed in the past and totally dismissed everything that we all have done above and beyond to help our fellow "Partners". They should refer to employees as fellow "NUMBERS" in the future so that people aren't as blindsided as we all were.
I got laid off In the first wave of downsizing due to COVID. but truthfully it was a blessing. I wasn’t happy there for some time. They have a very unethical formula that I could no longer stomach to my loyal customers. They don’t care about you or your interest. All that matters is that you shut up and make that $$ with no excuses. They essentially paid for vacay with The severance so I’m grateful. I’d rather be home than working right now anyways. I’m making more off unemployment than I ever was with them anyways...
I just got laid off today. I’m a sales rep for Cintas. Disgusted.
Lay offs in WI. I’m in the Fire protection division for sales. Myself and another co worker on that same Friday were let go. But another co worker was only furloughed, but a week or two after! My guess is more lay offs to come. First aid and rental locations near my office were laid off also. I think this does have to do with like ability by manager. I had 2 years experience and the co worker that was only furloughed has less than a year but is buddy buddy with the manager and hasn’t even been hitting his #s. They also said when I see the position posted I could re-apply. No thanks! Cintas is the most selfish company I’ve ever worked for, all they care about is money. They could care less about their employees.
It’s disgusting to think a company with massive gains in the last quarter would treat employees this way. Talk about being in the right business at the right time and not once stepping up to supply the country with products that could literally save lives. On top of that they lie and lay off hard working people that stepped up to the plate while they downplayed the whole pandemic. Guess what Cintas .... you’re not ready for the work day. Shame on you.
Terminated SSR (due to Covid-19) here - several years of service, however management decided to keep two SSRs with a combined 6 months experience- one partner with 4 months experience, and the other SSR with a mere 7 weeks on the job! They also kept a service manager with only 4 months experience, but let other managers go with years of experience?!? Shell shocked/ betrayed to say the least....
Cintas has always been a greedy money hungry company that cares more about rapid growth than the front line partners who bust their butts everyday for the company! The funny part is outside people around the Cincy/corporate area know and feel this way about Cintas. Cintas isn’t the darling All American company they think and try to project they are!
My understanding is that there are currently no additional plans for layoffs. I am one of the said layoffs and I don't understand why many of you were lied to. It was made very clear to me that this was happening due to COVID-19 and the overwhelming suspensions of many businesses.
Does anyone know if there will be more waves of layoffs or was the 8,000 all done on April 3rd?
Multiple positions laid off in NC. No rhyme or reason why employees got the axe. Start kissing GM or SM Butt
It is clear that Cintas does not care about the “culture” they preach in how inhumanly they handled this mass lay-off.
Revenues of 1.8 billion in 3rd quarter, more than last year, and they still can’t look after their people to weather this storm together during a global crisis when they have the funds to do so. Shame on Cintas, their true colours are on display.
Appears one of the biggest criteria for the layoffs is likeability, so make sure your boss likes you. It doesn't matter if you are well qualified or do your job well
Illinois partners are being laid off too.
Has anyone recently been let go from Cintas with the "COIVD-19" being the reason, but was either scheduled to or recently took vacation time?
It was never outwardly spoken about, however, I am noticing a trend and I have been told by some management that I am personally friends with that it was frowned upon if you planned on taking off during this time that they consider you not a team player.
Partners being terminated and layoffs in Calgary too
Laid off in Georgia
It was 20% across all locations. 8000 nationwide.
Anyone laid off on Georgia?
I'm a 27+ year partner, and had my 'position eliminated' which is very odd, because when the recovery happens, my position will be required. Can't run a delivery company without a fleet manager. I wouldn't be so mad if I had been laid off.
Hospitality Consultant/Image Consultant laid off yesterday (Friday). Not the whole region but a few of us.
Corporate as well...45 in IT Anywhere from 5-35 year folks. Heard it will be 8000 across the board in multiple waves.
Layoffs in "Chicago" as well
got called in to work to get terminated here in NY.
Lay offs in Florida today, over 50 at my location
It’s company wide. All layoffs will be complete by Friday EOD.
Any layoffs in Chicago?
TN laid off SSRs, plant partners, sales and a service manager. Of the plant partners, one had 17 years and the other had 30!
In So Cal many layoffs yesterday and today
They have layed off most admin positions at corporate headquarters as well
In VA too, started yesterday and going on today. Some were laid off and some were furloughed. 3 partners with 20+ years gone, many with 5+ including myself. Word is that some SMs and SSs will be getting laid off/furloughed as well.
Layoffs in the plant and office continue in MI
Throughout CA various positions. one location had 20 partners
Here in Chandler AZ as well
In Connecticut they laid off family member and 2 out of 3 sales people in his department. More to.come prior to deadline for Stimulus deal.
What positions were laid off? Currently a bench partner with a meeting scheduled with my SM and GM tomorrow.
Also in nc
in ny as well
Cintas was laying off people here in DFW area today -