Thread regarding Wyndham Worldwide Corp. layoffs

Massive Layoffs everywhere. Was just informed my position is eliminated along with three other coworkers in the dept of 8.

| 1974 views | | 7 replies (last April 6, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+14c5NIQm

7 replies (most recent on top)

Whoever got the week for every year what position are you, I worked over 15 years and got a month

Post ID: @9bkm+14c5NIQm

My severance is a week of pay for a year of work for the company. So if you were employed for six years, I am assuming you will get paid your regular salary (minus tax and benefits) for six weeks (1.5 months).

Post ID: @9mpa+14c5NIQm

Just to clarify, are you all hotel Wyndham or timeshare Wyndham?

Post ID: @8dlk+14c5NIQm

The severance are horrible...for the lower paid workers you get a month regardless of how many years you were there

Post ID: @8hxw+14c5NIQm

How much are the severances? I was told a week of pay for each year of "service." I'm furloughed but expecting to be laid off. Thanks.

Post ID: @8nnj+14c5NIQm

Just fired after more than 15 years with horrible severance package. No respect no loyalty. They don't care about employees. The corona is a time where they should be helping their employees

Post ID: @3gvs+14c5NIQm

me too job elimination

Post ID: @1tuz+14c5NIQm

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