Forgive my arrogance but this place filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
They chose a female rookie or male rookie right out of college as a manager which is a big mistake.
Each year a new treasury position was available because the young manager with only school experience could not figure out why the real position was different than school and the CTP certifications were different then the real job (Right on the CTP website it states this does not represent a real treasury operations experience !!!!!!!!!). Well dummy, it is not the same and not many people know that but the company should !!!!!!. The CTP is a money maker non-college credited and something extra if you had no experience. The place still has not changed and I have applied to the treasury position for over 10 years.
Keep hiring cute blonds, keep hiring your cousin, nephew and keep hiring that person who has never had hands on experience. Let the rookie manager use you as a stepping stone because they are right out of college and always leave after a year. Now we wonder how we got to Chapter 11. It looks like our competition was smarter and hired employees who were mid level full spectrum talent. I do not see this place making smart decisions and investors should be concerned. It seems as no is capable of making good decisions because they are not mid level career level.
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