Thread regarding Wyndham Worldwide Corp. layoffs

Wyndham is no longer an ethical company

really evil company, I worked for them a long time. Their H R is not for you they are for the company. They lie cheat and don't follow their own Employee handbook!! Poor management sorry of excuse mandatory mertings. If they want to start right have all the managers and directors follow the rules and set the example before they tell you what to do. Wyndham was once
somewhat ethical and thats supposidly the guidelines Not Anymore!!

Originally posted by @Kfai+14CQ6WBc.

| 1952 views | | 2 replies (last November 20, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+15oQGC7Q

2 replies (most recent on top)

Agree! They lie and don't care about the employees safety especially during this pandemic.

Post ID: @2Dlkf+15oQGC7Q

Totally agree managers and HR are very unethical. They don't appreciate hard work only people who brown nose. Really bad in Branson worst managers I've ever worked for

Post ID: @asci+15oQGC7Q

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