Thread regarding Shutterfly Inc. layoffs

Massive Layoff @ Shutterfly

Around 400 Layoffs just announced today (2023). This is the second round of Layoffs after 2022 massive Layoffs.

Not a good sign. Employees seem unhappy with the pay scale, even pay cuts for years now. Employee retention will be a challenge going forward.They are timing in such a way along with the layoff debacle in big tech this week. It seems to be rush decision to hide from the news.

| 8453 views | | 26 replies (last March 21, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1kQSFtTR

26 replies (most recent on top)

Left last year. Saw it going downhill after the lifetouch purchase. I think that was the nail in the coffin

Post ID: @Uljb+1kQSFtTR

The company has been on a downward trajectory for years, especially after the acquisition of Lifetouch. Their biggest mistake has been the transition from a technology-based company to more of a manufacturing-focused company that has high fixed costs. The spending with consultants like Alix Partners, and McKinsey has been excessive and has not yielded results. I would not advise anyone to work here as I can not see the company surviving and the culture has become very toxic. Which is tragic as it was once a great place to work for.

Post ID: @6hee+1kQSFtTR

Post ID: @4rot+1kQSFtTR

The shock and pain is still lingering. I was deeply effected Tues. Jan. 24th with being discarded and tossed to the side like one of Shutterfly’s miss printed photo books. I was so dedicated and loyal to this company. Too many company’s treat human beings like trash and Shutterfly is at the top of the list. I understand that layoffs happen but why couldn’t Shutterfly treat their employees with consideration in breaking the bad news to those lives that they completely shattered. Getting a 12 min. Meeting invite that the VP of Customer Success to convey…”everyone on this call today will no longer be working with the company. Today is your last day.” When I received my severance pkg. I was shocked and insulted over what I was given for 10 years of devoted service. Shutterfly actually listed the AGE of those in our team that was effected with the severance package and my age of 65 years young was at the top of the list for all to see. Should I shout ageism??? I sure can! Several seasoned team members were let go. We are human and we do not have an expiration date, but Shutterfly evidently puts one on us older and wiser humans that understand what a good work ethic is.

Post ID: @3ayr+1kQSFtTR

Post ID: @3xzw+1kQSFtTR

The severance is a joke. Don't count on them "taking care of you" as they kick you out the door. They are so Fing cheap and are cutting costs on these too. The longer you've been with the company, the more insulting the severance package. I'll be lucky if my severance lasts me a month.

Be prepared for another round because they're not done. They're in a huge financial deficit and need a ton of cash to get to a profitable balance sheet. There's a reason why there are no merit increases this year.

How they've treated current and exiting employees shows their true colors. There's a reason so many employees have left over the last 6 months. This is a toxic employer and unhealthy work environment. You are expendable. They don't care that you've been doing the jobs of 3 people without a pay increase for the last year. They don't care that you're stressed and completely burned out.

Start making your exit plan. Reduce your expenses. Save up some money. Be prepared for what's coming. The next round may not be for a couple more months, but it will happen if things continue the way they are.

For those of you still working there, I hope you can get away from this clusterF situation before they kick you out too. A 0% merit increase shows exactly how much they care about you. ZERO.

Post ID: @3oio+1kQSFtTR

I was not yet effected but we lost 6 people and n our team. One who should have been our supervisor but conveniently overlooked. Now we’re stuck with a supervisor and manager who have no direction, answers, or knowledge. Why didn’t you just cut the rest of us???

Post ID: @3isi+1kQSFtTR

Severance pay given was more insulting than the layoff. A reflection of how valued my 11 years employed. Value = 0

Post ID: @3ive+1kQSFtTR

To those questioning Shutterfly's management, it's clear to see they aren't focused in the right areas internally, look at the focal points they support within the business structure.
If you want to increase market share in today's market, your top company priorities cannot include:

Customer Support
Human Resources

Why? Because all of these are cost centers, not growth levers. I am not saying these areas don't matter. All of these should be optimized. However, there are only two priorities that will deliver top-line growth as noted by Peter Drucker:

Marketing and innovation

Marketing and innovation play a crucial role in building new revenue streams, increasing customer acquisition and building a loyal customer base.

If your organization is not hitting your growth targets be sure to focus on the right priorities, the ones that actually will deliver the result you need.

Post ID: @2yhf+1kQSFtTR

Shakopee MN plant cut about 100 jobs seems to be mostly manufacturing employees taking the hit

Post ID: @2jbq+1kQSFtTR

Shutterfly continues to make questionable acquisitions and brand partnerships with little regard to investing and strengthening their own brand. It almost feels like they are setting up to be aquired themselves, maybe Amazon?

Post ID: @2tzr+1kQSFtTR

Oh, and the bonus pool took a 100% haircut (was reduced to 0) in July. Hilary and Estaff knew in July there wouldn’t be any bonuses yet they kept that dream alive through yesterday

Post ID: @2xsh+1kQSFtTR

Ever since Lifetouch, Shutterfly went downhill quick!! They never cared about any of the original Shutterfly employees only cared about the fu----g Lifetouch ones that didn't deserve it. Lifetouch had lazy, careless workers for sure!! So many schools pulled their photos from Lifetouch... what does that tell you??? Oh, because they didn't give a sh-t about quality one bit!!! Fu-k Shutterfly and their fake bullsh-t!!!

Post ID: @2srp+1kQSFtTR

Does anyone know what teams were affected? No one in leadership is sharing info . they just share new org charts so we have no idea how many positions or people are actually missing. we can't get the numbers to add up to 360.

  • 1 in SEO
  • 1 in PMO
  • 7 in cat ops
  • 12 in creative design includes entire IPP team
  • 4 in engineering
  • 6 in web dev
  • 1 in UX
Post ID: @2nio+1kQSFtTR

Found it funny (not in a "haha" sense) Was wacked as well, meanwhile the higher ups are jetsetting places, even though this can be done via teams or zoom.
Shutterfly (and by extension its subs) have offices in some high priced retail areas, and those offices are mostly empty. Why pay that cost? (Probably to keep former heads of state from their acquisitions feeling important)
A GREAT question would be, can we see the travel expenses and perk expenses of their corp credit card holders, especially the Amazon purchases, word on the street a rental car is perpetuated.
Shutterfly, for being a very agile company (in terms of production, and hats off to them) sure does have A LOT of E-board waste.

Post ID: @2cvv+1kQSFtTR

@1dxk+1kQSFtTR @1lbi+1kQSFtTR @1fbv+1kQSFtTR I was laid off by SFLY in July after being there for 9 years and my severance was laughable, less than one month's salary after taxes. No help whatsoever in finding other opportunities within the company or outside. Sad "3 month membership" to a career transition company 🙄

Post ID: @1ang+1kQSFtTR

Post ID: @1mub+1kQSFtTR

What type of positions were effected by this layoff? Which locations?

Post ID: @1lky+1kQSFtTR

I was a technician for 14 years at sfly. When they were taken over by Apollo global about 2 years ago, the place started going downhill. Employee’s are taking the hit. Many years ago they took care of their employees. I wouldn’t recommend working there. It’s a sweatshop.

Post ID: @1ske+1kQSFtTR

Does anyone know what kind of severance was offered?

Post ID: @1dxk+1kQSFtTR

sfly is a joke.

Post ID: @1tnz+1kQSFtTR

What were the packages offered.
We were told they were 'leadership was focused on taking care of those leaving'
Making it sound like they were being supported in a financial way.......

Post ID: @1lbi+1kQSFtTR

I was one of the employees that were impacted from the layoffs yesterday, jan 24th 2023. I must say i wasn't surprised. What i was surprised and disappointed about was the pathetic severance that was given. When they told me I thought it was a mistake, it proves they really don't care about their employees. I gave them almost 2 decades of work. : (

Post ID: @1fbv+1kQSFtTR

Maybe if management would see other vendors and not bein the bed with some, this would help them save costs

Post ID: @1sso+1kQSFtTR

Yep, was one of the 400 people that were told we are being laid off on March 29th. Missed profit goals by a few hundred million dollars so they're eliminating positions and restructuring the company. Or at least that's what we were told in the meeting this morning.

Post ID: @nsz+1kQSFtTR

yep. there's been a mass exodus of employees since the layoffs last spring. the writing's on the wall and the shutterfly ship is sinking fast. they post positions that they have no intention of hiring for and they're not backfilling open roles. this is not a great place to work no matter how hard they sell it. stress and burnout is everywhere here. avoid this working here unless you don't have any other options.

Post ID: @dgw+1kQSFtTR

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