Do you have any info on the planned reorg and subsequent layoffs at KLA Tencor?
5 replies (most recent on top)
There was a round of layoffs in April that apparently went after managers and middle managers who weren't contributing much.
There was another round on June 25 that hit the technical staff, especially those who had been around for awhile and had high salaries. SurfScan and FaST were the hardest hit, from what I was told.
Layoffs have began. 5-10% across board.
The recurring theme these days in semi is consolidation and cost reduction. with the recent reorg announcement it's clear that layoffs are inevitable. good luck to all intending to stay in this industry. for young people entering the field - you should definitely switch to software when you still have the chance!
I heard rumors of layoffs about a month ago. It would not surprise me to have something happen this week, accompanied by the meeting explaining what's to come.