Thread regarding GameStop Corp. layoffs

Layoffs at GameStop - District Managers, Loss Prevention Managers, Region Managers

Things are not going well - many layoffs

| 2692 views | | 4 replies (last January 27, 2016)
Post ID: @OP+Fy5192w

4 replies (most recent on top)

A lot of shakeup at the corporate office. Big names "laid" off and positions consolidated. Appx 30 DM positions laid off and 2 RDs. Mass realignments happening.

Post ID: @6htu+Fy5192w

With so many people being effected by the current layoffs why is Gamestop keeping things so quiet? Are there bigger issues their stockholders should know about?

Post ID: @5azn+Fy5192w

What leadership? The company has no idea what they are doing. I am flabbergasted to see the level of ineptitude I've seen there.

Post ID: @2gyn+Fy5192w

I am sure it will quickly become the workers that caused Gamestop to not hit their numbers while Tony-Jason and the less than average VP's either get reshuffled or promoted. Gamestop is going the wrong way with their leadership.

Post ID: @gbf+Fy5192w

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