Thread regarding Aon PLC layoffs

AON is doing well in 2016, no job cuts

Is 2016 going to be a very good year? The retail brokerage is pretty good, I used to work there and things are improving all the time - just hang in there and there will be jo job cuts. I know that in the UK things can be improved, but you cannot have everything perfect and let's hope management continues to improve.

| 3356 views | | 1 reply (June 25, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+GchvC82

1 reply

Your faith in Aon management is misplaced, while 2016 and any year can be a good year, Chicago (that is where decisions are made, NOT London) always views that the year CAN BE BETTER if staff is reduced, gotta cut those salary line expense items. Remember always that Greggie is a McKinsey drone unit and all they know how to do is talk business, write well and cut expenses.

Post ID: @7Larl+GchvC82

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