Thread regarding ING Groep N.V. layoffs

7000 to be laid off at ING - many branches to be closed (2016 and 2017)

This is a top news item in Europe - ING is going to cut many jobs, 7000 are reported to be in jeopardy. The Associated Press reports indicate that this is one of the biggest hits of the year:

ING said in a statement Monday that some 3,500 full-time jobs would disappear in Belgium by 2021 and 2,300 in the Netherlands. Almost 1,000 jobs would be lost among ING's external suppliers.

| 2431 views | | 1 reply (October 3, 2016)
Post ID: @OP+JGle5Z5

1 reply

Also - see this story published by Reuters - it addresses Redundancies and Layoffs at ING


Post ID: @znd+JGle5Z5

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