Thread regarding MasTec Inc. layoffs


Mastec just laid off over 250 employees

| 2391 views | | 4 replies (last April 27, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+MndQvGZ

4 replies (most recent on top)

Just so you know, everyone on the DL side was affected from Admin staff, to Site managers and even directors. MasTec is not in the business of letting people go. Have you noticed that there are no DL commercials anymore? Don't you think that AT&T has something to do with that? Be reasonable and think to yourself how can a company keep hundreds of employees on the books when the revenue is not coming in? Simple business nothing personal. I bet if you called back to get a job in another area of MasTec they would most definitely look at you first before hiring from the outside.

Post ID: @Dbai+MndQvGZ

Just got my pick slip today from Mastec. what a joke. They do not care about people. All they wanted was to push the technicians as far as they can, then kick them to the curb. Management s---s, they have no experience at all. Where is Jose?

Post ID: @jxte+MndQvGZ

Very. We have spoken to individuals affected by the layoffs.

Post ID: @tkc+MndQvGZ

How reliable is this info?

Post ID: @fxu+MndQvGZ

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