Thread regarding Winn-Dixie Stores Inc. layoffs

Winn Dixie Closing Pharmacies

Just an FYI on layoffs and store closures - Winn-Dixie is also closing pharmacies at many locations, this is a fact look it up.... Some have been closed already - there is a handful of under performing stores that a closing as well. There is more pressure from both high-end and discount stores and pharmacies.

Things are not going in the right direction, not sure how many people will lose jobs...

| 3260 views | | 2 replies (last June 20, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+NdjaElh

2 replies (most recent on top)

Winn Dixie does not care at all about the people that actually work for them now picking up the slack for all of the people who's jobs were essentially removed until they either quit or took a lower position with less pay and then their jobs were offered to someone else. So now you've got 1 part time employee that they will only schedule for 16 to 20 hours a week doing all the work of jobs that require at least 5 people to successfully accomplish, and if you don't get it done then you are constantly threatened with write ups. Really a bad place to work, and our manager never even puts in a full days work on any day that he does decide to show up!

Post ID: @Fsmc+NdjaElh

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