Thread regarding Travelers Cos. Inc. layoffs

Travelers divisions layoffs: JOB ELIMINATION REASONS

Other Travelers divisions also have layoffs that are presented as position elimination.

The company consolidates departments and roles and it tries to replace older workers in high job bands with young people in lower bands.

There are several company-wide early career programs for college grads while many older people are encouraged to look for job elsewhere.

| 4172 views | | 6 replies (last May 23, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+OFE3jxj

6 replies (most recent on top)

Hmm. Am considering a job w this co. Am a tad on the older side of the career spectrum, and am wondering if I should bother—-Thoughts? Is the age layoff thing wide spread or specific to one segment? Would appreciate insights.

Post ID: @sdbjx+OFE3jxj

CEO takes 300 times the salary of the median employee. 2% or less salary growth pa. 95% of promotion goes to other than people of color.

Post ID: @hVspd+OFE3jxj

Cold hearted company, where loyalty and hard work does not matter.

Post ID: @g9ocz+OFE3jxj

Does anyone know whether layoffs are being planned or considered at Travelers, given the economic downturn and COVID-19 situation?

Post ID: @g4oxx+OFE3jxj

Always..Travelers lays off old people, replacing them with young ones...draining experience down the swamp.

Post ID: @g2iad+OFE3jxj

I'm afraid this is happening to me! I never thought my company could be so cold hearted?

Post ID: @5zley+OFE3jxj

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