Thread regarding Walden University layoffs

Possible national class action?

The current domestic cases include:

(1) On October 5, 2016, a student filed suit against us and Walden University in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio in the matter of Latonya Thornhill v. Walden University, et. al., claiming that her progress in her program was delayed by Walden University and seeking class action status to represent a nationwide class of purportedly similarly situated doctoral students. The claims include fraud in the inducement, breach of contract, consumer fraud under the laws of Maryland and Ohio, and unjust enrichment. Laureate and Walden University were served on October 17, 2016. On December 16, 2016, Laureate and Walden University filed a motion to dismiss the claims and a motion to strike the class action certification request. On January 12, 2017, the plaintiff filed an amended complaint, making modifications to supplement some of the factual allegations and seeking to change the governing law of the case to the law of Minnesota. A substantive response to the amended complaint was filed on February 9, 2017. The Thornhill court temporarily stayed this case in its entirety until May 1, 2017, pending the outcome of the Multi-District Litigation (‘‘MDL’’) proceeding discussed below. Following denial of the MDL transfer motion, the Thornhill court has temporarily stayed discovery until at least October 1, 2017, pending the determination on the motions to dismiss the complaint as well as the request for class action certification which remains pending.

(2) On October 18, 2016, a former student filed suit against Laureate and Walden University pro se in the United States District Court for the District of Maryland in the matter of Eric D. Streeter v. Walden University, et. al. (Case No. 1CCB6-CV-3460), claiming that his progress in his program was delayed by Walden University and Laureate. The claims include unjust enrichment, breach of contract, violation of the Maryland Consumer Protection Act, violation of the Due Process Clause in the Fourteenth Amendment, libel, and violation of the False Claims Act. Laureate filed a motion to dismiss on April 12, 2017, which remains pending. Walden University and Laureate intend to defend against this case vigorously.

On December 1, 2016, five students filed suit against us and Walden University in the United States District Court for the District of Minnesota in the matter of Jennifer Wright, et al v. Walden University, et. al., claiming that their progress in their programs was delayed by Walden University and seeking class action status to represent a nationwide class of purportedly similarly situated doctoral students. The claims include fraud in the inducement, breach of contract, consumer fraud, and breach of implied covenant of fair dealing under the laws of Minnesota, California, Georgia, Washington and Michigan, and unjust enrichment. Walden University and Laureate were served in this matter on December 8, 2016, Walden University and Laureate intend to defend against this case vigorously, including the request to certify a nationwide class. On January 13, 2017, we filed a motion to dismiss, or in the alternative to stay proceedings, pursuant to the first-filed rule, based upon the fact that the Thornhill case was filed first in Ohio. The Wright court issued an order on April 21, 2017 granting the defendants’ motion to dismiss (without prejudice). The plaintiffs may seek leave to join the Thornhill case or may file individual cases without class allegations.

(3) On December 29, 2016, a former student filed suit against us and Walden University in the United States District Court for the District of Minnesota in the matter of Aaron Bleess, et al v. Walden University, et. al (Case No. 16-CV-4402), claiming that his progress in his program was delayed by Walden University and seeking class action status to represent a nationwide class of purportedly similarly situated doctoral students. The claims include, under the laws of Minnesota, breach of contract, consumer fraud, breach of implied covenant of fair dealing, fraudulent inducement, unjust enrichment, and violation of the Deceptive Trade Practices Act and Consumer Protection Fraud Act. Laureate and Walden University were served on January 5 and January 6, 2017, respectively. On January 17, 2017, we filed a motion to dismiss, or in the alternative to stay proceedings, pursuant to the first-filed rule, based upon the fact that the Thornhill case was filed first in Ohio. The Bleess court stayed the proceedings pending a ruling on this motion to dismiss. Walden University and Laureate intend to defend against this case vigorously, including the request to certify a nationwide class. This case appears to be nearly identical in allegations, including the same alleged class, as Thornhill and Wright. The court issued an order on April 21, 2017 granting the defendants’ motion to dismiss (without prejudice). The plaintiffs may seek leave to join the Thornhill case or may file individual cases without class allegations.

(4) On December 23, 2016, counsel for the plaintiffs in Thornhill and Wright filed a motion to consolidate pretrial proceedings in these matters, as well as the Streeter and Medellin matters, to the United States Judicial Panel on MDL. Bleess’s counsel filed a notice of intent to participate as an interested party of the consolation motion. Laureate and Walden University filed a motion in opposition to transfer to MDL on January 17, 2017, which was opposed on January 24, 2017. A hearing was held on March 30, 2017 and the MDL panel issued an order on April 5, 2017 denying the plaintiffs’ motion to transfer.

| 5747 views | | 7 replies (last June 17, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+OHhuV1G

7 replies (most recent on top)

I can't find a job with my PHD from Walden, what a joke. I am a laughing stock! Thank for nothing Walden, hope you enjoy all the money you stole from the government.

Post ID: @aUpeo+OHhuV1G

Most of these profs don't have the verbal skills to guide students much less edit their dissertations. Most students stuck in the dissertation loop were there because of their sh--ty committees and because Walden extended curriculum requirements beyond the catalog years of the students' enrollment. Walden never intended to award these students doctoral diplomas. Students were strung along to provide revenue. It is true many students (mostly foreign) could not write, yet they made it to the doctoral level. But many good students who were articulate writers were caught up in the loop because of Walden's greed, mismanagement, and lack of competent mentors.ut the c-ap Post ID: @OHhuV1G-Vixb and Post ID: @OHhuV1G-Ydyh.

Post ID: @68lho+OHhuV1G

I'm 80,000 debt because Walden failed to accommodate me when I sustained an injury to my spine. They switched staff and allegelly lost my leave of absence paper they kicking me out with 23 credits left. 4

yrs later I have to pay my tuition balance to get my transcript to finish in city college. They prolonged every thing.

Post ID: @3Ipiu+OHhuV1G

I agree with you about Walden and some of their professors not failing students who can't cut it. Writing is my best skill; the discussion posts I read in my master's and bachelor's courses were unbelievably terrible regarding grammar, content, and APA format. I never considered that Walden was setting up a bunch of students without the skills to complete doctoral degrees, but that seems to be their MO. I'm leaving Walden in the middle of my MS in Communication; I graduate with a 4.0 in my BS program and maintained a 4.0 in my master's. Walden will pay dearly for their perfidy and I am leaving to finish my MS at a NC state-funded university where the tuition is 400% less than Walden's tuition. I regret choosing to earn my BS at Walden and hope Walden faces severe legal consequences for their actions.

Post ID: @29wnd+OHhuV1G

Oh, and the lawsuits are filed by the students who 'age out' of the system. As in spend 7 years trying to get this doctorate done and fail. Imagine paying 90K for what amounts to maybe a Master's degree. All because some people don't have the cojones to fail these people out sooner.

Post ID: @Ydyh+OHhuV1G

Walden University has a TON of students stuck in the dissertation loop. Like several hundred. Most of them are stuck because they are not ready to do doctoral level work, it is as simple as that and Walden is losing dissertation mentors because these profs are done 'editing a dissertation until it is where it needs to be'. I'm one of them. I'm not getting paid enough to take some student's horrific writing and edit it so that is will pass the criteria set forth for SAT/ACT level writing. Never mind graduate writing. So students get rejected when trying to get URR or IRB approval. And blame their committee for not helping them enough. Or file lawsuits. Professors are done with this nonsense. We are subject matter experts, not copy editors!

Post ID: @Vixb+OHhuV1G

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