Been with the company for almost two decades and now being let go....soooo many let go this time. October, November, January and April dates for terminations to take effect. Selling us off to those in India, again, who have a language barrier and struggle to write a simple email response. The retirement company, yeah right. Broken promises and harming lives, but let that bottom dollar drive you to the top.
1 reply
The sad truth is the American corporate engine has been broken for years and it has only gotten worse over time. Greedy CEO's that only care about their own pockets and of course really don't even try to do a good job because they were given a golden parachute in their sign on contract. As for the employees who actually grind it out day after day, no one at the top seems to give a damn because they as seen as expendable assets and the jobs can be sent to a foreign country for 1/10 the cost of the American worker. How is America ever going to regain its strength if the ability to make income is constantly being taken away and sent over seas?