Thread regarding Lego layoffs

Enfield Impact - Lego Layoffs

Do you know how many folks may be impacted in Enfield, CT? I believe we have a bit under 1000 people in the US headquarters - if they keep it at 8% which was given as a global figure we are probably talking about 50 to 100 people in Enfield to be laid off.

Granted that most Lego folks in Enfield are decently paid - we may be talking abut even bigger impact - we'll see what happens - post updates if you have any.

| 3043 views | | 2 replies (last October 3, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+P9UStHi

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Any updates?

Post ID: @qurt+P9UStHi

Post ID: @cqs+P9UStHi

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