Doesn't solar cause global warming? It keeps the sunlight on earth that would otherwise reflect back to space, When the electricity is used from that solar power, it heats the earth. No more solar power!
4 replies (most recent on top)
Nothing against the Maldives but it appears that, worst case scenario, humankind could survive. I googled Maldivian Noble prize winners. Nothing. Maldivian Baseball Hall of Fame players. Nada. Maldivian Academy Award winners. Zilch. Famous Maldivians of any kind. Bupkis. So we could get on okay if the Maldives had to take one for the team.
Global warming Global warming. Like that’s a bad thing? Well if you have a large holding of The North Face it is but, otherwise not. Yes global warming will heat the Earth a couple of degrees. Sea levels may rise a few feet. All we will really lose are the Maldives and, be completely honest here, would you really miss them? Heating the Earth’s surface will not only radiate heat outward but also conduct it inward. A warmer earth will heat up the magma outer core reducing its viscosity. With less frictional drag, the solid inner core can spin faster and generate a stronger magnetic field to protect us from coronal mass ejections which could destroy the planet in a matter of days or weeks. So let’s not lose sight of the big picture here. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few Maldives. What do we really care if there are a few less islands in the Caribbean? There are plenty of other vacation spots with great beaches. And they aren’t really in the Caribbean but most Americans won’t actually know that.
Forgot to add. Those solar towers for making steam help in that they not only fry birds, they help reduce the coyote and bear population. Foraging animals eat those fried birds which raises their cholesterol levels which kills them further reducing CO2 emissions. The fall on effects of solar are tremendous.
Not directly, no. The net energy balance is essentially zero. Where solar is helping the environment is the shear number of birds that get sliced and diced. If those birds had lived, they would have exhaled CO2 which would have contributed to green house gases. So far, this is the only way that the excess American Eagle population can be legally reduced.