Thread regarding Quad/Graphics Inc. layoffs

Quad/Graphics Layoffs 2019

If there will be no Quad/Graphics Layoffs in 2019 please say so?

| 5233 views | | 7 replies (last October 29, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+VTlCXVu

7 replies (most recent on top)

Layoffs and forced retirement is still happening.

Post ID: @5Sjas+VTlCXVu

they are scalping Production support employees from 60 plants 3 already in this one, others are involintarly retired

Post ID: @4Sqxs+VTlCXVu

Some bad bosses and some great! Your whole job depends on your boss, My last boss was fantastic but they hired someone cheaper, Oh well my last boss was the best so no complaints there.

Post ID: @4Qmac+VTlCXVu

I enjoyed my time there but they are laying off older workers,

Post ID: @4Lbzl+VTlCXVu

Jobs in Prepress going to Poland. 2 employees laid off in Versailles plant. 2 others offered positions in the company 1 took retirement.

Post ID: @2Iqov+VTlCXVu

Nobody will be laid off.

Have fun.

Honestly, why all the anxiety, LSC integration is going well.

Post ID: @1Poyi+VTlCXVu

Every one will be laid... off lol have a fun and happy life

Post ID: @1xknb+VTlCXVu

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