Thread regarding PC Connection Inc. layoffs

Layoffs 11/1/2018

I am currently still employed with these slugs. I used to enjoy it but after 7 years of being stagnant in the industry and after today’s layoffs of 20% of the workforce st Connection, I am out. This is a dinosaur of a company with old antiquated business processes from 1987. No joke. No CRM some home grown junk.

| 2708 views | | 2 replies (last November 19, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+VW8IRTc

2 replies (most recent on top)

While there is no doubt that the systems and technology need updating, however stating 20% of the workforce got laid off is a gross overstatement of the reality. It was more like 2%, if that.

Boards like this can be helpful but only if accurate information is posted.

Post ID: @hdck+VW8IRTc

I am in IT and was laid off today. I can confirm the no CRM aspect. The homegrown junk that he is referring to is 20+ years old and held together with duct tape and bailing wire.

Post ID: @dtv+VW8IRTc

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