Thread regarding Travelers Cos. Inc. layoffs

Looks like some things never change

left in 2012 and Travelers had a ton of challenges at that time as they were doing layoffs left and right and outsourcing anything that was outsourceable!

The management was weak, it was micromanaging and all promotions were done on the relationship level and yes men people were promoted.

Nobody was safe from layoffs and no matter how good you were in your work that guaranteed nothing as they would axe good workers left and right and keep their cronies.

We had no clue what changes were coming - they would send random meeting invites, ok guys, here is a meeting in 15 min notice - go to the conf room and you are laid off...

They should change things and keep their employees happy - they should stop cutting corners and stop keeping the rich of the company rich by limiting service to customers and agents... Stop pushing employees to do extensive overtime and working them to death!

Took this post from another thread and reposted it. @Waf4Q1C-ymb said that he left in 2012. but it looks like little has changed since then.

| 2651 views | | 1 reply (May 5, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+WcUeoN0

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Yes it will never be..good old boy and girls club

Post ID: @8Cygq+WcUeoN0

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