200 BI employees many within a certain age range and salary range... where is the media on this?? Yet there is plenty of $ to fly millionaire golfers from the west coast to the Open on private jets.. shame on Travelers..
5 replies (most recent on top)
Low leaves are falling, Middle leaves are laughing, and those on Top are reminding the middle ones that their time is coming.
You will realize, when you get past 50, and
have difficulty getting an interview. It has happened to too many talented folks..AVP and VPs are taking up the role of manager..sad but real.
These are living, breathing people, not numbers..
Yes, the difference is the age group of senior people they laid off. Those posting here and defending will grow old at one point. And you will realize. They could have kept people instead of putting millions on plaza renovation. GIGO will for sure kick in at one point.
This is really small - see 1000s of posts on boards below - I am not trying to diminish the importance of this for Travelers but in the grand schema of things this is a small cut indeed...
200 is really that big. When you have State Farm axing 5000 people, thats news. Or AIG outsourcing entire dpts...