Thread regarding GE Capital layoffs

2015 Layoffs at GE Capital?

Any news here? I heard that there might be massive layoffs very soon? Anyone from GE Capital can confirm this?

| 2481 views | | 4 replies (last September 2, 2015)
Post ID: @OP+xL2h6zY

4 replies (most recent on top)

Will this impact ability to pay bonds at maturity?

Post ID: @5wKtj+xL2h6zY

WF or JPM may just buy all the assets in a portfolio sale without people - let's negotiate what we can before it's too late. All the best fellas.

Post ID: @3mrMH+xL2h6zY

38,000 employees impacted with GE Capital wind down.

Post ID: @3cCte+xL2h6zY

Not really, the unit is doing fairly good and it'll continue to do so until the next financials market turmoil.

Post ID: @1qzVe+xL2h6zY

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