Topics regarding layoffs at Dolby Laboratories Inc.

Topics regarding layoffs at Dolby Laboratories Inc.

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Layoffs were company wide. Not just compliance. 80 worldwide and 70 in U.S. with mostly being Director level and up. AT least it's good to know that this time it was not only the poor peons who got to pay the price for many bed decisions made in the... — read more 

| 3231 views | | 1 reply (November 7, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+PFclwos

Unfair and short-sighted

For years companies in India , China, Sri Lanka, Malaysia have been using Dolby IP and not had to pay a penny. Dolby has lost over $ 15 million a year in India alone and in China the numbers are staggering. Management at San Francisco has chosen soft... — read more 

| 3008 views | | 1 reply (October 7, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+PvB2zzT

Dolby lays off 80 staff in Compliance division

Dolby has laid off more then 80 staff across SE Asia and other parts of the world in Compliance division . This is a stupid decision as it allows companies to use their IP without any fear of any action from complaince. Basically a free for all with... — read more 

| 3312 views | | 1 reply (September 28, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+PuCJqhd

Lack of transparency

Avoid this company, management is bad, there is a major lack of transparency in all internal dealings and opportunities are limited at Dolby

| 1651 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+x6it8ZU

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