Topics regarding layoffs at Espial Group Inc.

Topics regarding layoffs at Espial Group Inc.

another round off layoffs?

Layoffs in senior/middle management happened in mid to late 2018 after closing Paris & Cambridge offices. Frequent layoffs have hit the company hard - many engineers have quit after seeing what happened to others. Rumors of another layoff... — read more 

| 1242 views | | 3 replies (last July 23, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+XhTUsnn

Layoffs hit Kirkland office

Company restructuring and changing directions again. Only a month after the last reorganization. Approximate 20 percent RIF from the already skeleton crew, across the board hitting dev, QA and deployment. Mediocre severance package is better than... — read more 

| 1864 views | | 3 replies (last May 23, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+RuM8G6E

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