Thread regarding GoDaddy Inc. layoffs

Management layoffs

GoDaddy just laid off 10 managers and have severance package of 2 months and 2 weeks for each year worked. They also did numerous terminations before the layoffs for reasons people never got fired before in the past.

| 2605 views | | 3 replies (last June 25, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+12764K4D

3 replies (most recent on top)

The person who started the company in his garage let his daughter name it

Post ID: @3werr+12764K4D

Not a bad package, all things considered for the managers.

Shame that other terminations were included.

Post ID: @1Nxpl+12764K4D

I don't work for GoDaddy, but I just have to comment, what a STUPID name for a company. Very unprofessional name, not the first choice for many businesses to do business with. The name is just a FAD that will be remembered no more. I'm not blaming you, I'm blaming whoever named the company.

Post ID: @fjs+12764K4D

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