Thread regarding Stanley Black & Decker, Inc layoffs

Will we ever get a decent raise?

'm sure everybody will agree that it’s getting harder and harder to live our paychecks, as we haven't had a decent raise in years. The management doesn’t have a problem loading us up with extra work, making us work long hours or without being able to get sick leave, but rewarding us for our hard work and loyalty doesn’t cross their minds.
I don’t even want to mention the fact that the best people have already left or are trying panicaly to get a new job,but the sad fact is that this company is producing an unsatisfied workforce and ultra low morale.
I was always a company soldier,and for a good part of my career I liked working here, but I don’t think I can afford to spend the remaining part of my remaining working age at a company where there is zero chance of growth and that is making me poorer and poorer.

| 700175 views | | 1 reply (April 9, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+13u3Aowc

1 reply

Was just recently bought be Stanley and it is by far been a whole lot worse than before. They took away our Profit Sharing. They laid of a lot of great workers, they stopped giving us our raises. They just don't care. I've been with the company for 8 years and I'm on my way out the door as soon as I find another job.

Post ID: @Ulha+13u3Aowc

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