Thread regarding Plantronics Inc. layoffs

Laying Off During a Pandemic: A New Low

China and the U.S. were hit today. India will be hit next month.

Other Silicon Valley companies such as Cisco and NVIDIA vowed not to lay off any employees during the COVID-19 pandemic, while Poly cuts even deeper. The execs should be ashamed of themselves.

| 2494 views | | 1 reply (April 29, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+14HtrYMC

1 reply

Why should exec's be ashamed of themselves ! The pandemic is global and has put everything to a grinding halt. In fact those execs that came out and said "no one will be laid off" in 2020 should be held accountable for their lack of foresight and leadership. They will have the most cuts on Jan 1, 2021 and many will have layoffs even earlier.

Post ID: @1zou+14HtrYMC

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