Thread regarding GE Power layoffs

I smell TLow’s VRIPS and........

Then the layoffs will begin in Power for all union hourly employees. T rates go d rates stay.

| 2933 views | | 6 replies (last July 5, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+15czTHff

6 replies (most recent on top)

Time for the remaining Salem click to feel the burn. Burn’ em all!

Post ID: @Bjmu+15czTHff

What would GE get is the better question. I don’t think they care about how much unemployment any of us would get. How much will they not have to pay any of us is all they are probably concerned about. In the end, all that matters is that they have more than enough money to look good at the end of every quarter. When they know they won’t, they well know long before any of us do.

Post ID: @4dsl+15czTHff

Youd still get unemployment and iea but their percentage of unemployment paid isnt a lot.

Post ID: @4cwq+15czTHff

I suppose that’s possible. I can see it happening where instead of having your hourly pay cut down, your hours are. The Union contract protects our hourly pay but I don’t recall if it protects our weekly/yearly hours. Technically, shutting down for 20 weeks wouldn’t be a layoff and would reduce the yearly cost of having your workers. Who’s going to really walk away because of that? Not your senior workers. They have too much invested. Not those junior workers with no place better to go. I can seriously see that happening. If anybody does leave, they will just be playing into GE’s hands.

Post ID: @4cuk+15czTHff

I'm not sure if tlows but i heard if the possibility at the end if the 1st quarter next year there could be a 20 week shutdown which I guess you could consider a tlow but stan doesnt like tlows and stan knows if he lays off again hed only get 25 to 40% of the workers back like the last lay off

Post ID: @3etr+15czTHff

Mathematically speaking the cost of a D Rate is comparable to 1 1/3 the cost of a T Rate. So for every 3 D Rates it cost the same as 4 T Rates. The survival of any business is built on money first. The funny thing about money is that it’s just like math. That’s something a lot of people seem to forget. So do they get ride of 3 D Rates to keep more T Rates at the same cost, or reduce the cost of a D Rate to that of a T Rate. Seniority is a tough battle that will take a long time to fight with the Union, so that won’t happen. Devaluing the D Rate is probably their easiest option. The hourly pay probably won’t be dropped but since that’s all most people pay attention to without focusing on deductions and their take home, expect to have less of your hourly pay to find its way to your bank account. You’ll convince yourself that your still winning because you are still going to work and have that sweet pension waiting for you years from now. That’s if it’s even still around by then. Again, math and money are interconnected so do the math. There are no I.O.U.s when you collect your pension. Good luck and I hope things work out for the best for as many of us as possible.

Post ID: @2xlg+15czTHff

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