Thread regarding Microsoft Corp. layoffs

Another 1000 out the door ?

The problem with msft is the longer you work, the more dependent you become and the greater the fear of when you will get hit by peer review or internal politics, or just screw up some deliverable and fall down the stack. What started out as a change the world experience becomes a journey into daily paranoia trying to make it to the impossible goal of 55 and vesting in peace.

A while back I tried to figure out if over 20 years I’d ever actually met anyone who had made it to 55, or claimed their 401k at 59, or indeed had turned 50 at msft. Strangely all the possible candidates were no longer with the company. I’m guessing another 1000 were just removed....

| 5637 views | | 7 replies (last September 17, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+160h9hQh

7 replies (most recent on top)

You have to be a monk to work at the New Microsoft these days! Pft! Be glad you dodged the bullets!

Post ID: @Zflv+160h9hQh

If you doubt it’s true, look up what intel did a few years back. They were forced to publish demographics on layoffs. Guess who was most likely out the door ?

Intel workers over 40 were more than twice as likely to lose their jobs as their younger colleagues during the 2016 cuts. Workers over 60 were eight times more likely to lose their jobs than those under 30.

Post ID: @bfsk+160h9hQh

Of the 5 people over 50, what's the percentage of women?

Post ID: @5kge+160h9hQh

"A while back I tried to figure out if over 20 years I’d ever actually met anyone who had made it to 55, or claimed their 401k at 59, or indeed had turned 50 at msft."

I'm turning 50 in about four months, and I'm doing fine. On my team, there are 5 people over age 60, 2 others over age 50, and one person who is 70 and still gainfully employed full time at Microsoft. So it does happen. It may vary by discipline and business group, though. We also have some younger folks, in case you're thinking my team is all old. :)

"I think you need 12yrs service and age 55 to vest out"

It's 15 years + age 55 or older.

Post ID: @3ydk+160h9hQh

@OP - After I hit age 53, I got the distinct impression they wanted me gone. They gave me an IR & ZR that year, then I just worked harder & harder with my manager to erase it, but got the same thing again the next Connect - then canned after 9yrs of service. FYI - I think you need 12yrs service and age 55 to vest out, so they're just 'cheaping out' on any retirement you thought you'd get for serving the company for that long.

Post ID: @3ymv+160h9hQh

I've known several. It happens. But overall, it isn't a company for people looking for long-term security. There are better places for that, but few pay as well.

Post ID: @1agl+160h9hQh

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