There are hundreds of new job postings all over the internet while there are still people who were laid off in the first pandemic-related round and have never received a call to return!! Why is that happening? Those people should have been offered those positions before they were open to public. This is disgraceful!!!
2 replies (most recent on top)
I got out years ago. Saw the writing n the wall. For one thing they moved us off main campus in Towson to Radio Park, where Marketing used to be, yet never replaced the signage to show a new team was moved. That was red flag one. Then I saw when someone would leave they were not replaced (by an employee, just an outsourced guy in India). So I bailed. A few years later I learned most of my team was laid off, except a handful of people documenting the work needed to be done so the people in India could have all of the step by step instructions to make their job easier. Oh and I remember when Stanley first took over they were so cheap they did not want to pay the guy who came through and watered the dozens of plants in the offices. So they let the plants all dry up and die and left them there. Wow how depressing. It was basically what they were doing to their staff. Douchebag company.
Garbage company. They live by the sale numbers and stock market. I will stay away from this company.