I had a really awful period after I got laid off from McD because I thought I was safer than I actually was and that I still had time so I didn’t prioritize job hunting on time.
I finally got a new, solid job and would love to know where are the other people who were laid off?
I hope you are all doing better now than you were here.
15 replies (most recent on top)
This company = the definition of insanity.
I went t5hrough this years ago. Out of the blue "go see HR" that was it. I landed a job immediately and haven't looked back. They seemed hell bent on self -destruction ever since Bob Deason left.
How much did DD pay you to write this?Or has all the brainwashing gone to your head and u are now the company stooge.Agreed CBI was a bad buy but the MCD hierachy were so arrogant and agreed the buy.Also don't forget MCD projects are also running at a loss.It is the mngt that destroyed MCD.They are not fit to run a hot dog stand.
Naah.... Pre-merger McD was in a pickle too. That is why DD came over in 2013. McD was losing money in 2013 when oil was at $125/bbl. CBI merger was his ruse to hide the fact that he failed.
The post below is utter nonsense.
I worked for MDR pre-merger, for a number of years, and it was going to hell in a hand basket because of mismanagement. There were unhappy people on both sides after the merger, and why shouldn't there be? - nobody came out of it well, except for DD and his boys.
How much did DD pay you to write this?Or are you one of the clones that believes everything mngt tell you?Yes,agreed CB&I was a bad buy but it the end it was up to MCD hierachy that made the purchase.Their arrogance and stupidity thinking they could rule the world contributed to the downfall.Also a lot of MCD's ventures are running at a loss and that has nothing to do with CB&I.
Yes it’s awesome to get back to a professional world. The past is still a problem with McDermott and the old CBI. They have a sense of entitlement and c—iness that isn’t client friendly. Especially the tank side. They have old leaders (CC) with old ideas. Top people have abruptly retired and the buddy system is replacing them when they are obviously not the right choice. Why people are staying is a mystery. They have no benefits and are not receiving raises. I hope everyone wakes up and the good people get out before the next death spiral happens. The grass is greener and you can make it working for real people that will appreciate your work and will reward you accordingly. Have faith!
Pre Merger McDermott was a great company to work for. After we merged, I noticed that the CBI crew were incredibly unprofessional and rude and hard to work with. Most I encountered were very unfriendly. The merger k–led the old McDermott spirit with all of the apathetic and jaded CBI clan. The merger was a disaster. That is the bottom line. CBI should have just been allowed to shutdown and everyone would be in a better spot today. Instead the losers of CBI brought down a great company.
Congrats you CBI miscreants. You ruined my company and my life. You should feel very proud of yourselves.
Getting laid off from McDermott was a blessing to me because now I am working for a wonderful company that offers great benefits and pay. Hang in there there are some good companies left.
A recent reject here. Happy that I was let go. There is life after McD. It is more pleasant for sure......
It takes a good 4-6 months to find your bearings and land a new job.
This post sums up perfectly how I feel:
"After all that time at McD I had forgotten that professional people are really nice. I am relearning."
I too have had to relearn that there are nice people in this industry, and it's a breath of fresh air to work with them.
I would urge everyone to explore other options, as staying at McD will damage your mental health. Remember, the only non marketable people are now running the show, they are stuck, you are not.
Trying to get off this sinking ship asap...
I wasn’t laid off, but I was concerned about the company’s finances, so I started looking. The severance policy and COBRA benefits are only there for you if the company stays solvent and pays their bills, so I wouldn’t rely on them as a back up plan and wait for a layoff to find another job. It took me about 2 months to find a better job once I really started looking. I’ve been getting unsolicited offers for the past 2 years. Don’t let their c-appy treatment of non-executives convince you that you’re not marketable, or that you don’t deserve better. Don’t believe there’s nothing else out there.
I'm still looking after being laid off from MCD for over a month. I'm trying to keep my head up.
Good for you.
Yep, I could too. Better pay. Better work environment. After all that time at McD I had forgotten that professional people are really nice. I am relearning.