Topics regarding layoffs at McDermott International Inc.

Topics regarding layoffs at McDermott International Inc.

The end

Massive weekend meeting of big wigs and rumor is the company will completely shut everything. That we have zero cash. Zero ability to find cash and even if they do - all and any incoming money is tied up in some fund to repay previous debts that are... — read more 

Inflationary pressures

Rising costs... shortages of building materials... As inflation rises, I would like to discuss what you think how this company will be affected? The overall situation in the company is worrying.

| 2457 views | | 1 reply (October 21, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1dp9nXWy

DD Day

So, today was the day that the axe finally fell, well two axes. Too little, too late. What's left will surely be picked over by the circling seagulls sooner rather than later.


What changes are in store for Eldridge location? Brand new building - 20+ stories, 16 year lease - going to be kind of expenisive to maintain what with all the layoffs plus folk working from home. and no new projects.

New Projects

It's really disappointing that the company does not disclose the amount of $$$ for awards. Seems to be happening since 2020 and COVID. I see MDR has gotten a couple of FEED contracts and another contract recently. Does anyone know the $$$... — read more 

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