Thread regarding IBM layoffs

IBM has lost control

Why is it that people who weren’t good enough for IBM later got jobs in much more prestigious companies where they also got promotions very quickly?
I'm not talking about not the people who quit and went for greener pastures, they are a different story, but the people who got RA'd here. These people were terribly unappreciated here, but they flourished in some competing companies. I am ashamed of what this company has turned into.

| 3151 views | | 10 replies (last May 21, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1aTctcYW

10 replies (most recent on top)

No. IBM has not lost control. It's all going to plan.
If you didn't learn it yet in the job market, it's not what you know, it's who.

Post ID: @4wtf+1aTctcYW

I think the statement is too generalized. I have no doubt that some RA'd folks landed much better jobs, that suited them and allowed them to flourish. However, I know for a fact that some have struggled and are still struggling to find jobs, or have settled for jobs that pay less than IBM (but still may offer more opportunity). No doubt some people have skills that transfer beautifully to other organizations. Likewise some are too specialized, or irrelevant to companies looking to hire.

just as this website represents a small minority of (ex) IBMers (how many IBMers do you think know about this website, and/or contribute?), we don't know how the majority of folks have faired since departing IBM.

Post ID: @2sfy+1aTctcYW

This is sooo true! I was RAed this year and got scooped by by the big 4 within weeks and they’re paying me a LOTTTT more. My last raise or promotion at IBM was 6 years ago. They kept giving me bs about why I couldn’t be promoted or can’t get a raise. The RA came as a blessing.

Post ID: @2yey+1aTctcYW

That's probably because a majority of IBM management have no ideas what worker bees are actually doing. The organisation is too large, an excess number of managers and executives, managers justifying their own jobs and pushing out standout performers, IBM kept promoting generalists to management roles, etc. etc. Management usually only talks among themselves for decision making and since they have no clue what's happening in the field, let alone comprehend what worker bees are telling them, they can't figure out the right course of decisions. Simply put, multiple cases of mismanagement in IBM whereas competitors sounds like there can better manage workers and recognize standout talents.

Post ID: @1dwo+1aTctcYW

"... IBM is being managed for the expectations of shareholders and Wall Street. It's not being managed or positioned for growth. "

Aren't they the same thing? Don't shareholders want the same thing Wall Street wants? (Increasing revenue and profit?)

Post ID: @1xse+1aTctcYW

I think ibm has gone too far to return to growth. Arvind, Jim everyone has started speaking IBM's language or should i say Ginnis language.

If one is serious about their career, they should plan to leave

Post ID: @1tiz+1aTctcYW

This sounds accurate. IBM is being managed for the expectations of shareholders and Wall Street. It's not being managed or positioned for growth.

There is a lot of talk of growth mindset, but there's no framework for growth. We keep trudging out the same software products, calling them 'cloud' and are getting beaten by better/stronger/faster/better capitalized players.

As Ginni always said "Growth and comfort don't co-exist. That's true for people, companies and nations."

IBM execs and shareholders are comfy with stock options, rising dividends, and stakeholders who have a huge expectation to keep this status quo.

Who do you think holds all the stock? Not folks looking for growth. It's a value play in the portfolios of widow and orphans.

IBM needs its bond rating, its dividend and the execs know how to keep that.

Comfort or growth. Choose one.

Post ID: @xeo+1aTctcYW

Ibm does not care if you are good or bad. Unfortunately it comes down to time on bench, band level and your salary

You are just a number. Reason I left 2 months ago and could not be happier

Post ID: @ewx+1aTctcYW

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