Thread regarding IBM layoffs

IBM was a mistake that I do not want to repeat

First I worked in a small startup, then in two established companies and then I came to IBM. I have encountered disorganization and miscommunication everywhere, but especially here.
I wonder if the only way to avoid this is to be self-employed? Now that I’m looking for my next job, how do I find a company that won’t turn out to be a mess? Is it possible to find such a company at all?

| 2355 views | | 12 replies (last June 5, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1baskWLI

12 replies (most recent on top)

The IBM Cloud is a total disaster… would you really sign up with IBM when they barely have 3% of the market, and their cloud has weekly outages?

Post ID: @2tno+1baskWLI

Makes perfect sense.
A fast growing hot company would most likely be using leading edge innovative technology such as a top cloud, so won’t be using IBM.

Post ID: @1ieu+1baskWLI

@1amf+1baskWLI if you're a developer then follow what i said about compensation and you'll avoid ibms top clients anyway because they're mostly banks, airlines ,insurance companies etc. That don't pay well.

Post ID: @1hvh+1baskWLI

Similar as @1jsz+1baskWLI
My kid knew to avoid working IBM since IBM on a resume is not seen as a positive.

Very happy (compensation/team) at all 3 companies.
Changed companies due to moves to new cities, not because of work issues.

Post ID: @1xpq+1baskWLI

Decades ago, many IBMer kids got jobs at IBM. Today, I can’t think any IBM kid working at IBM.
Wonder why?

Post ID: @1qmj+1baskWLI

All companies have pros and cons, even the Faang companies.
Only thing real is compensation. So first find a compensation and once you're inside the company switch teams until you find one that works for you.

Because even if you're looking for red flags in interviews they'll just lie about their culture.

Ibm doesn't have good compensation so almost all good technical people have left or retired. All that left are those who are good at politics and don't give a sh-t about products, even if they did they're not competitive enough to make it work.

Post ID: @1jjc+1baskWLI

I retired from IBM. My mgt/exec team was the worst. I don’t know how IBM customers can stand working with IBM!

Post ID: @1yra+1baskWLI

IBM is totally fu-k up. It was really great company in 90s when I joined. There were awesome benefits, better leadership and executives than today's. Also, it was a very reputed company. Nowadays, it's totally opposite. Pay scale for new hires not even close to tier 1 companies, not good benefits that we used to have, too many non-technical executives. They are just grabbing larger portion from net profit. I am retiring by end of this year. But I have seen the company sinking. Especially since last 10-15 years.

I told my children to avoid internship or job at IBM at any cost. They are pretty happy now.

Post ID: @1jsz+1baskWLI

I made the leap to my own company. Best move I have ever made. No longer a slave of the corporation. More money, more time, less stress, and time is spent on actual work - not truly insane internal processes.

Post ID: @1vyl+1baskWLI

IBM is a waste of time… unless you are an Executive which means you are robbing the company.

Post ID: @1xkp+1baskWLI

The only way to avoid it is to never work for a company who is a major client of IBM. You think IBM is bad? Our top 250 clients are far worse.

Post ID: @1mcv+1baskWLI

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