Thread regarding IBM layoffs

Exiting IBM Tips

Any advice from former or current IBMers on pitfalls when exiting IBM? I've heard horror stories about final paycheck deductions, not paying out remaining vacations days, etc.

I'll be giving a 3 week notice because I'm nice however I don't expect any reciprocation from IBM.

Thanks for any tips!

| 2862 views | | 11 replies (last August 24, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1cpRivYC

11 replies (most recent on top)

Download all the IBM software that is pertinent to your current or future job.
If IBM blocked your USB port, then you can use Box to move software from your IBM laptop to your own personal computer.

Also download anything else that you feel you need.

Post ID: @5ces+1cpRivYC

If you can wait until you get the 401k match. So far as I know you either get it all or nothing. Some time in December.

Post ID: @3mqp+1cpRivYC

If you are over 45… do not sign the exit paperwork without calling an attorney that is focused on the age discrimination suits.

Post ID: @3iho+1cpRivYC

If you are going to a competitor, don't tell them if you want to stay for the 2 weeks and get paid. Otherwise, they can let you go almost immediately without pay for those 2 weeks. Lesson learned!

Post ID: @1lmm+1cpRivYC

I left in 2018. I had already accepted another job and knew which buttons to push on my 2nd level manager to engineer a layoff (with a package). I took a nice long paid vacation and started a much better job at a company with ethics and a moral compass. I will say though that IBM paid me everything that I was owed very quickly. I also had a variable comp component to my pay based upon quarterly performance. I only worked about 2 weeks of the quarter. I never for a moment thought that I would get any variable comp for that quarter...but, low and behold 3 months later, I got a nice surprise.

Post ID: @1ela+1cpRivYC

I left at the end of June. Everything went smoothly, I even got paid a few days early. Apparently this is normal. Regular salaried employee, no commission or bonuses outstanding.

Let's be honest, IBM has a lot of practice in exiting people.

Post ID: @zrs+1cpRivYC

Make sure you have ALL of your personal belongings already out of the office, and ALL of your personal files off of any company equipment before even giving them a whiff of intent to resign.

Post ID: @eeh+1cpRivYC

If you are on a sales plan DO NOT leave before you get your last Commission check

Post ID: @syx+1cpRivYC

I was RA’d in Feb ‘21 at 62 after 15 years at IBM. Had 5 days of vacation on the books they said I took 3. I said prove it. They then paid me for the full 5. Not a lot of money in the big picture but what’s right is right. They also tried to hold off on a bonus I was owed from December ‘20. Fortunately, I had sent copies of all relevant emails to my personal email and eventually got paid. Someone previously suggested you review vacation remaining with your manager. I agree. I would also suggest you send copies of all separation and financial emails and documents to your personal email. Good luck and there is a great life outside of IBM. No one I know regrets leaving.

Post ID: @ntk+1cpRivYC

I was RA 2019 I Received everything fairly. One thing I can say about IBM whatever you have coming you get it all good or bad

Post ID: @uvp+1cpRivYC

I think one of the few things IBM does well these days is out-process people. I had no issues with payouts for remaining vacation when I retired in 2019 but there are legions of stories about earned commissions not being paid.

Post ID: @bqq+1cpRivYC

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