Thread regarding T.D. Williamson, Inc. layoffs

Layoffs at TDW this week

More cuts in labor force this week. Getting rid of long term loyal employees to be replaced by outside contractors as a cost savings measure. All the worthless managers still have their jobs, go figure. This company continues to go in the wrong direction and the employees know it.

I reposted this from @9Dzym+1407SlID for important info. If anybody knows more about the layoffs, please share.

| 1096 views | | 1 reply (November 5, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1dEYXPZ7

1 reply

It is true. Pipeline Services group in Tulsa. There are a lot of people in the company who are looking to leave, demotivating place to work currently. Moral is terrible. Management is a major part of the problem.

Post ID: @1pya+1dEYXPZ7

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