Thread regarding Fossil Inc. layoffs

What is going on with Fossil Leather bags?

The novelty in the fall retail bag line looks so dated! I remember seeing that chevron-like patchwork in bags years ago. The Fossil signature print is sad and boring. The floral print in the Dillon Weekender bag is hideous! I don’t see a guy or girl carrying that print, never mind the bag itself that looks cheap and should be selling in TJMax. Clearly, leadership in leather design is lacking. Time to dust off the resume, the company's direction continues to be questionable?

| 4561 views | | 16 replies (last April 25)
Post ID: @OP+1dSjuMVi

16 replies (most recent on top)

Ever since original owner left to start new brand with Sh----a name.

Post ID: @elufi+1dSjuMVi

some of these collaborations in product are a real stretch

Post ID: @3Pzxz+1dSjuMVi

…and the sh-t show continues with the hideous valentine capsule!

Post ID: @11hui+1dSjuMVi

I feel that a lot of the handbags and small leathers are boring, in addition to the color designs and the cheap feel of some of the products. They seem to be repetitive in structure/color design.
I've seen more innovation looking at products on Amazon at a lower price point. Yes the quality can be less than some of the bags and small leathers Fossil has, but sometimes you find a diamond in the rough.

Post ID: @Ggqj+1dSjuMVi

Insanely high margins set by upper management year after year has resulted in the decline of quality over the years and will continue to hurt the brand!

Post ID: @izpz+1dSjuMVi

Oh and PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, if you’re thinking about getting a Fossil bag still, MAKE SURE YOU DON’T BUY THE “MADE FOR OUTLET” PRODUCTS, if you’re expecting “made for full-price” quality. (Or do what I do and don’t buy “made for outlet” at all) The “made for outlet” watches have style number BQ####. We call them Bad Quality.

Post ID: @gqxn+1dSjuMVi

All the trim is now synthetic (so like straps and zipper pull and what not) and the leather they’re using isn’t even graded and “genuine cow hide leather” anymore they just say “cow hide leather”. You can tell too. The outlet bags have always felt cheaper but now they feel worse than most Walmart bags.

Post ID: @gxez+1dSjuMVi

8ldz+1dSjuMVi 🤣😂🤣😂

Post ID: @8shz+1dSjuMVi

They need to pull the overpriced plastic cactus bags that is causing allergy rashes

Post ID: @8ldz+1dSjuMVi

@8gea+1dSjuMVi Agreed! Sadly majority of the bags are PVC to meet high margins and the leather used have been cheapening through the years! The leather products have not been worth the prices they are set at for many years!

Post ID: @8fyu+1dSjuMVi

Sorry, but I wouldn't and have never paid more than $50 for a Fossil product. I have bags that are literally peeling now, straps that have fallen apart and broken in half and watch batteries in Watches that I have to change every month. Those watches NOW literally sit in the tins in a container in my closet. IJS

Post ID: @8gea+1dSjuMVi

@6dso+1dSjuMVi 😂🤣😂

Post ID: @7tmy+1dSjuMVi

The colors in the patchwork are hideous too

Post ID: @6dso+1dSjuMVi

no brand identity

Post ID: @4acu+1dSjuMVi

Innovation costs money. We know there’s not been much of that flowing in for years. clearly Fossil is trying to disguise cheap/ previous product design in the efforts to sell something/ anything. They’ve not been a trend-setter in fashion accessories either. Whatever big luxury brands are doing, they copycat and value engineer til it hits a magic cost-to-profit ratio number.

Post ID: @4kha+1dSjuMVi

Have to agree, you are not the only one thinking this.

Post ID: @1esi+1dSjuMVi

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